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Text File  |  1995-08-14  |  19KB  |  314 lines

  1. App Name    HOME.EXE
  2. App Version
  3. Frame Bitmap    "usetup.dll, 103"
  4. Frame Caption    Microsoft Bob Setup
  5. Dialog Caption Base    Microsoft Bob
  6. Welcome String    Welcome to Microsoft Bob Setup. Setup will install Bob Home on your computer by copying files and modifying your system configuration.
  7. Usage String    Type SETUP to install on your local computer.
  8. About Box String    Microsoft Bob\n\nCopyright (C) 1994-1995 Microsoft Corp.
  9. Check Modules    "utopia, Microsoft Bob, mapisp, MAPI Spooler"
  10. Source Directory     
  11. MSAPPS Location     
  12. MSAPPS Mode    local
  13. Inf File Name    UTOPIA.INF
  17. Maximum Object ID    274                                            
  18. Admin Mode Root Object ID                                                 
  19. Floppy Mode Root Object ID    5 : 2                                            
  20. Network Mode Root Object ID                                                 
  21. Maintenance Mode Root Object ID    6 : 2                                            
  22. Batch Mode Root Object ID                                                 
  23. Setup Version                                            
  25. ObjID    Install During Batch Mode    Title    Descr    Type    Data    Bmp Id    Vital    Shared    Dir Chang    Dest Dir    Check Directory    Installed by Us
  26. 1    yes                                            
  27. 2    yes            AppSearch    """c:\msbob"",""utopia.dll"",,2,no,no,3"                            
  28. 3    yes            SearchIni    """WIN.INI"", ""MS-BOB"", ""UtopiaDir"",1"                            
  29. 4    yes                                            
  30. 5    yes    Floppy Installation    Install from Floppy Disks to local computer    AppMainDlg    10 : 8 256                yes    %2        
  31. 6    yes    Maintenance Installation    Provides the ability to Add or Remove any component of Works for Windows    CustomDlg    15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 : 8 58                    %2        
  32. 7    yes                                            
  33. 8    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""DetectMinimumHardware"""                            
  34. 9    yes                                            
  35. 10    yes    &Bob    ""    Group    14 16 17 18 19 21 22 23    "usetup.dll, 102"            yes            
  36. 11    yes    &Custom Installation     "To only install certain portions of Bob, click this button. "    OptionDlg    14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24    "usetup.dll, 104"            yes            
  37. 12    yes                                            
  38. 13    yes    OPTIONS DIALOG                                        
  39. 14    yes    Home shell and essential files    Choose this option to install the Bob Home shell and all the basic files needed to run any Bob application.     Group    25 28 35        Vital    private    no            
  40. 15    yes    Home shell and essential files    Choose this option to install the Bob Home shell and all the basic files needed to run any Bob application.     Group    46 54 72 31 55 59        Vital    private    no            
  41. 16    yes    Address Book    Choose this option to install the Bob Address Book program.    Group    88        Vital    private    no            
  42. 17    yes    Calendar    Choose this option to install the Bob Calendar Program with built-in ToDo list.    Group    89        not vital    private    no            
  43. 18    yes    Checkbook    Choose this option to install the Bob Checkbook program.    Group    90        not vital    private    no            
  44. 19    yes    E-Mail    Choose this option to install the Bob Electronic Mail program.    Group    91        not vital    private    no            
  45. 20    yes    Gardener's Handbook    Choose this option to install the Bob Gardener's Handbook program.    Group    92        not vital    private    no            
  46. 21    yes    GeoSafari    Choose this option to install the Bob GeoSafari program.    Group    93        not vital    private    no            
  47. 22    yes    Household Manager & Financial Guide    Choose this option to install the Bob Household Manager program and the Bob Financial Guide program.    Group    94        not vital    private    no            
  48. 23    yes    LetterWriter    Choose this option to install the Bob LetterWriter program.    Group    95        not vital    private    no            
  49. 24    yes    SDK Tools    Choose this option to install the Bob SDK Tools.    Group    78        not vital    private    no            
  50. 25    yes    setup billboard list        Group    263 264 265 266 267 268 270 271 272 273 274        not vital    private    no            
  51. 26    yes                                            
  52. 27    yes    SETUP FILES                                        
  53. 28    yes        SETUP    Group    29 30 31 32                            
  54. 29    yes        figure how to copy there    CreateDir    """SETUP"""                            
  55. 30    yes            CopySection    """SETUP"""                    %d\SETUP        
  56. 31    yes            AddProgmanItem    """Microsoft Bob"", ""Microsoft Bob Setup"",""%s\setup\setup.exe"""                            
  57. 32    yes            WriteTableFile    SETUP.STF                    %d\SETUP        
  58. 33    yes                                            
  59. 34    yes    USYSTEM\HOME                                        
  60. 35    yes        USYSTEM & HOME     Group    46 53 72 75 98 186 213 161                            
  61. 36    yes            *BASIC FILES = 46                                    
  62. 37    yes            *HOME = 53                                    
  63. 38    yes            *UWORDART = 72                                    
  64. 39    yes            *BACKUP = 75                                    
  65. 40    yes            *SDK = 78                                
  66. 41    yes            *WIN\SYS FILES = 98                                
  67. 42    yes            *OLE = 186                                
  68. 43    yes            *MAPI = 213                                
  69. 44    yes            *SYS ACTIONS = 161                                
  70. 45    yes                                        
  71. 46    yes        BASIC FILES    Group    47 48 49 50 51                    %d    
  72. 47    yes            CopySection    """PROGRAM"""        Vital                
  73. 48    yes            CopyFile    """PROGRAM"",""utopiadll"""        Vital                
  74. 49    yes        copy disencentive    StampCDInfo    "48, 106, 196"                        
  75. 50    yes            CopySection    """ACTORS"""        Vital                
  76. 51    yes            CopySection    """DATABASES"""        Vital                
  77. 52    yes                                        
  78. 53    yes        HOME    Group    54 55 57 59 62 69                    %d    
  79. 54    yes            CopySection    """HOME"""        Vital            %d    
  80. 55    yes            AddProgmanItem    """Microsoft Bob"", ""Microsoft Bob"", ""%s\home\home.exe"""                        
  81. 56    yes    "Start Automatically?"        YesNoDlg    "Would you like to start Microsoft Bob automatically whenever you start Microsoft Windows?"                        
  82. 57    yes            Depend    56 ? 58                        
  83. 58    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""AddToStartup"""                        
  84. 59    yes            AddProgmanItem    """Microsoft Bob"", ""Read Me"",""notepad %sreadme.txt"""                        
  85. 60    yes                                        
  86. 61    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""DetectCirrusDriver"""                        
  87. 62    yes            Depend    61 ? 64                        
  88. 63    yes    "Replace Video Driver?"        YesNoDlg    "Setup found that your computer is using an old version of its video driver. Click Yes and Setup will update your driver, improving the performance of Bob (see the readme for details). If you are in doubt Microsoft Bob recommends you choose Yes."                         
  89. 64    yes            Depend    63 ? 65 66                        
  90. 65    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""InstallCirrusDriver"""                        
  91. 66    yes            AddIniLine    """SYSTEM.INI"", ""boot.description"", ""display.drv"", ""CL-GD5426/GD5428 v1.43 Windows drivers"""                        
  92. 67    yes                                        
  93. 68    yes        Is iCountry set?    DetectIniLine    """WIN.INI"",""intl"",""iCountry"""                        
  94. 69    yes        TRUE = assume all is OK    Depend    68 ?  : 70                        
  95. 70    yes        FALSE = warn user     CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""Message"",""Setup detected incomplete international settings. Please open international (regional) settings in Windows Control Panel and click OK. See your Windows manual for information on how to find international (regional) settings."""                        
  96. 71    yes                                        
  97. 72    yes        UWORDART    Group    73                            
  98. 73    yes        change name of Utopiawa    CopySection    """UTOPIAWA"""                            
  99. 74    yes                                            
  100. 75    yes        BACKUP    Group    76                            
  101. 76    yes            CreateDir    """BACKUP"""                            
  102. 77    yes                                            
  103. 78    yes    Want to remove for retail    SDK    Group    79 80 82                            
  104. 79    yes    Want to remove for retail    SDK FILES    CopySection    """SDK"""                            
  105. 80    yes    Want to remove for retail    SDK TOOLS    CopySection    """SDKTOOLS"""                            
  106. 81    yes                                            
  107. 82    yes    Want to remove for retail    SDKICONS    Group    83 84                            
  108. 83    yes    Want to remove for retail        AddProgmanItem    """Microsoft Bob"", ""Microsoft Bob Character Editor"",""%s\sdktools\charedit.exe"""                            
  109. 84    yes    Want to remove for retail        AddProgmanItem    """Microsoft Bob"", ""Microsoft Bob Tip Editor"",""%s\sdktools\tipedit.exe"""                            
  110. 85    yes                                            
  111. 86    yes                                            
  112. 87    yes    APPS                                        
  113. 88    yes        ADDRESS BOOK    CopySection    """ADDRESS"""                            
  114. 89    yes        CALENDAR    CopySection    """CALENDAR"""                            
  115. 90    yes        CHECKBOOK    CopySection    """CHKBOOK"""                            
  116. 91    yes        EMAIL    CopySection    """MAILROOM"""                            
  117. 92    yes        GARDEN    CopySection    """GARDEN"""                            
  118. 93    yes        GEOSAFARI    CopySection    """SAFARI"""                            
  119. 94    yes        HOME NOTEBOOKS    CopySection    """NOTEBOOK"""                            
  120. 95    yes        LETTER WRITER    CopySection    """LETTER"""                            
  121. 96    yes                                            
  122. 97    yes    SYS FILES                                        
  123. 98    yes        INSTALL USYS FILES    Group    100 105 109 118 124 128 133 140 144 147 157                            
  124. 99    yes                                            
  125. 100    yes        REG FILE    Group    101 102 103                            
  126. 101    yes        Remove old .reg file first    RemoveFile    """REGFILE"",""reguwa"""                    %M        
  127. 102    yes            InstallSysFile    """REGFILE"",""regfile"""        Vital                    
  128. 103    yes            InstallSysFile    """REGFILE"",""reguwa"""                            
  129. 104    yes                                            
  130. 105    yes        SHARE    Group    106                            
  131. 106    yes            AddShareToAutoexec    """500"",""5100"",""SYSTEM"",""vshare"",107"                            
  132. 107    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"", ""ver"""                            
  133. 108    yes                                            
  134. 109    yes        WING    Group    110 111 112 113 114 115 116                            
  135. 110    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""deleteSystemIniEntry"",""386Enh,DEVICE,DVA.386"""                            
  136. 111    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""writeSystemIniEntry"",""386Enh,DEVICE,DVA.386"""                            
  137. 112    yes            InstallSysFile    """WING"",""dva386"""        Vital                    
  138. 113    yes            InstallSysFile    """WING"",""dibeng"""        Vital                    
  139. 114    yes            InstallSysFile    """WING"",""wing"""        Vital                    
  140. 115    yes            InstallSysFile    """WING"",""wingdib"""        Vital                    
  141. 116    yes            InstallSysFile    """WING"",""wingpal"""        Vital                    
  142. 117    yes                                            
  143. 118    yes        MEDIAVIEW    Group    119 120 121 122                            
  144. 119    yes            InstallSysFile    """MEDIAVIEW"",""mviewdll1"""        Vital                    
  145. 120    yes            InstallSysFile    """MEDIAVIEW"",""mviewdll2"""        Vital                
  146. 121    yes            InstallSysFile    """MEDIAVIEW"",""mviewdll3"""        Vital                
  147. 122    yes            InstallSysFile    """MEDIAVIEW"",""mviewdll4"""        Vital                
  148. 123    yes                                        
  149. 124    yes        WAVEMIX    Group    125 126                        
  150. 125    yes            InstallSysFile    """WAVEMIX"",""wavemix"""        Vital                
  151. 126    yes            CopyFile    """WAVEMIX"",""wavemixini"""        Vital            %W    
  152. 127    yes                                        
  153. 128    yes        VB    Group    129 130 131                        
  154. 129    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""vbdb300"""        Vital                
  155. 130    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""vboa300"""        Vital                
  156. 131    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""vbrun300"""        Vital                
  157. 132    yes                                        
  158. 133    yes        JET    Group    134 135 136 137 138                        
  159. 134    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""msabc110"""        Vital                
  160. 135    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""msaes110"""        Vital                
  161. 136    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""msafinx"""        Vital                
  162. 137    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""msajt110"""        Vital                
  163. 138    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""msaju110"""        Vital                
  164. 139    yes                                        
  165. 140    yes        SPELLER    Group    141                        
  166. 141    yes            InstallProofTool    """SPELL"", ""msspell"", ""Spelling"", 142"                        
  167. 142    yes            InstallProofLex    """SPELL"",""lex"",""mssp_am.lex"",""1033"", ""0"",""US English Dictionary"""                        
  168. 143    yes                                        
  169. 144    yes        TRUE TYPE FONT    Group    145                        
  170. 145    yes            InstallTTFFile    """SYSTEM"", ""lucida"", ""Lucida Handwriting Italic (TrueType)"""                        
  171. 146    yes                                        
  172. 147    yes        GRAPHIC FILTERS    Group    148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155                        
  173. 148    yes        CGM    InstallShared    """SYSTEM"", ""cgmflt"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""Computer Graphics Metafile(.CGM)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""                        
  174. 149    yes            AddIniLine    """WIN.INI"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""Computer Graphics Metafile(.CGM)"", ""%s\CGMIMP.FLT,CGM"""                    %148    
  175. 150    yes        TIFF    InstallShared    """SYSTEM"", ""tiffflt"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""Tagged Image Format(.TIF)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""                        
  176. 151    yes            CompanionFile    "150 : ""SYSTEM"" , ""tiffdll"""                    %150    
  177. 152    yes            AddIniLine    """WIN.INI"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""Tagged Image Format(.TIF)"", ""%s\TIFFIMP.FLT,TIF"""                    %150        
  178. 153    yes        PCX    InstallShared    """SYSTEM"", ""pcxflt"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""PC Paintbrush(.PCX)"", ""1"", ""GRPHFLT"""                            
  179. 154    yes            CompanionFile    "153 : ""SYSTEM"" , ""pcxdll"""                    %153        
  180. 155    yes            AddIniLine    """WIN.INI"", ""MS Graphic Import Filters"", ""PC Paintbrush(.PCX)"", ""%s\PCXIMP.FLT,PCX"""                    %153        
  181. 156    yes                                            
  182. 157    yes        OTHER    Group    158                            
  183. 158    yes            InstallSysFile    """SYSTEM"",""cmdialog"""        Vital                    
  184. 159    yes                                            
  185. 160    yes    SYSTEM ACTIONS                                        
  186. 161    yes        SYSTEM ACTIONS    Group    162 164 169 172 177                            
  187. 162    yes        RESTART    CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""AppendSzToRestartFile"",""ECHO Attempting to restart machine..."""                            
  188. 163    yes                                            
  189. 164    yes        OLE REG    Group    165 166 167                            
  190. 165    yes        UTOPIA.REG    CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""RegOleFile"",""utopia.reg"""                            
  191. 166    yes        UTOPIAWA.REG    CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""MungeUtopiaWA"",""utopiawa,utopiawa\utopiawa.exe"""                    %47        
  192. 167    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""RegOleFile"",""utopiawa.reg"""                            
  193. 168    yes                                        
  194. 169    yes        WIN.INI (UtopiaDir)    Group    170                        
  195. 170    yes        utopia section    AddIniLine    """WIN.INI"", ""MS-BOB"", ""UtopiaDir"", ""%s"""                    %47    
  196. 171    yes                                        
  197. 172    yes    RAID#6606    WIN.INI (mach)    Group    174                        
  198. 173    yes        DeviceBitmap=?    DetectIniLine    """WIN.INI"",""mach"",""DeviceBitmap"""                        
  199. 174    yes        If yes then replace it    Depend    173 ? 175                        
  200. 175    yes            AddIniLine    """WIN.INI"",""mach"",""DeviceBitmap"",""off"""                        
  201. 176    yes                                        
  202. 177    yes        AUTOEXEC (Path=)    Group    179                        
  203. 178    yes        Are we on Win95?    CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""DetectWin95"""                        
  204. 179    yes            Depend     178 ? 180 : 181                        
  205. 180    yes        Win95    CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""AddBobToPath"",""%s"""                    %47    
  206. 181    yes        !Win95    AddPathToAutoexec                        %47    
  207. 182    yes    Removed from SYSTEM    CONFIG (Files = 66)    Group    183                        
  208. 183    yes    ACTIONS : 6/22/94    files = 66    CustomAction    """usetup.dll"", ""ModifyConfigSys"",""files,66"""                        
  209. 184    yes                                            
  210. 185    yes    OLE                                        
  211. 186    yes        OLE    Group    187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 197                            
  212. 187    yes        Ole File Installation    InstallSysFile    " ""OLE"",""compobj"""        Vital                    
  213. 188    yes            InstallSysFile    " ""OLE"",""storage"""        Vital                    
  214. 189    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""ole2"""        Vital                    
  215. 190    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""typelib"""        Vital                    
  216. 191    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""oledisp"""        Vital                    
  217. 192    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""ole2conv"""        Vital                    
  218. 193    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""ole2nls"""        Vital                    
  219. 194    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""ole2prox"""        Vital                    
  220. 195    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""pubole"""        Vital                    
  221. 196    yes                                            
  222. 197    yes        If any ole file installed then reg    Depend    187 ? 206 : 198                            
  223. 198    yes            Depend    188 ? 206 : 199                            
  224. 199    yes            Depend    189 ? 206 : 200                            
  225. 200    yes            Depend    190 ? 206 : 201                            
  226. 201    yes            Depend    191 ? 206 : 202                            
  227. 202    yes            Depend    192 ? 206 : 203                            
  228. 203    yes            Depend    193 ? 206 : 204                            
  229. 204    yes            Depend    194 ? 206                            
  230. 205    yes                                            
  231. 206    yes        Ole dependent install    Group    207 208 209                            
  232. 207    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"", ""olereg"""                            
  233. 208    yes            InstallSysFile    """OLE"",""stdole"""                            
  234. 209    yes            CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""RegOleFile"",""ole2.reg"""                            
  235. 210    yes                                            
  236. 211    yes    MAPI                                        
  237. 212    yes                                            
  238. 213    yes        MAPI    Group    215 229                            
  239. 214    yes        Does MAPIX32 exist?    DetectOlderFile    """mapix32.dll"""                    %M        
  240. 215    yes        Install MAPI16 if no mapix32.dll    Depend    214 ?  :  217                            
  241. 216    yes                                    
  242. 217    yes        MAPI 16    Group    218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225                    
  243. 218    yes        Mapi 16 files    InstallSysFile    """MAPI"",""mapirpc"""        Vital            
  244. 219    yes            InstallSysFile    """MAPI"",""mapiu"""        Vital            
  245. 220    yes            InstallSysFile    """MAPI"",""mapix"""        Vital            
  246. 221    yes            InstallSysFile    """MAPI"",""msftreg"""        Vital            
  247. 222    yes            InstallSysFile    """MAPI"",""mspst"""        Vital            
  248. 223    yes            RemoveFile    """MAPI"",""mapisp"""                    %W
  249. 224    yes            CopyFile    """MAPI"",""mapisp"""        Vital            %M
  250. 225    yes        Always reg mapirpc.reg    CustomAction    """usetup.dll"",""RegOleFile"",""mapirpc.reg"""                    
  251. 226    yes                                    
  252. 227    yes        MAPI 32                            
  253. 228    yes                                    
  254. 229    yes        Mapi Ini Line group    Group    231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246  247  248  249  250  251  252  253                    
  255. 230    yes            DetectOlderFile    """mapisvc.inf"""                    %M
  256. 231    yes            Depend    230 ?  :  232                    
  257. 232    yes        Always modify Ini file    AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""Services"",""MSPST MS"",""MS Personal Information Store"""                            
  258. 233    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""Services"", ""UMAIL"", ""Bob EMail Service"""                            
  259. 234    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"", ""Default Services"", ""UMAIL"", ""Bob EMail Service"""                            
  260. 235    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"", ""MSPST MS"", ""Providers"", ""MSPST MSP"""                            
  261. 236    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"", ""MSPST MS"",""PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME"",""mspst.dll"""                            
  262. 237    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"", ""MSPST MS"",""PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES"",""mspst.dll"""                            
  263. 238    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MS"",""PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAME"",""PSTServiceEntry"""                            
  264. 239    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MS"",""PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS"",""SERVICE_NO_PRIMARY_IDENTITY"""                            
  265. 240    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMAIL"",""Providers"",""UMLXP"""                            
  266. 241    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMAIL"",""PR_SERVICE_DLL_NAME"",""umlxp.dll"""                            
  267. 242    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMAIL"",""PR_SERVICE_SUPPORT_FILES"",""umlxp.dll"""                            
  268. 243    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMAIL"",""PR_SERVICE_ENTRY_NAME"",""ServiceEntry"""                            
  269. 244    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MSP"",""PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME"",""mspst.dll"""                            
  270. 245    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MSP"",""PR_RESOURCE_TYPE"",""MAPI_STORE_PROVIDER"""                            
  271. 246    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MSP"",""PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS"",""STATUS_DEFAULT_STORE"""                            
  272. 247    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MSP"",""PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY"",""MS Personal Information Store"""                            
  273. 248    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MSP"",""PR_DISPLAY_NAME"",""Mailbox - Personal"""                            
  274. 249    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""MSPST MSP"",""34140102"",""4e495441f9bfb80100aa0037d96e0000"""                            
  275. 250    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMLXP"",""PR_PROVIDER_DLL_NAME"",""umlxp.dll"""                            
  276. 251    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMLXP"",""PR_RESOURCE_TYPE"",""MAPI_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER"""                            
  277. 252    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMLXP"",""PR_RESOURCE_FLAGS"",""STATUS_PRIMARY_IDENTITY"""                            
  278. 253    yes            AddIniLine    """%230\mapisvc.inf"",""UMLXP"",""PR_PROVIDER_DISPLAY"",""Bob EMail Transport"""                            
  279. 254    yes                                            
  280. 255    yes    MSINFO                                        
  281. 256    yes        MSINFO    Group    257 258 259 260                            
  282. 257    yes        file    InstallShared    """MSINFO"", ""msinfo"", ""Microsoft System Info"", ""MSINFO"", ""1"", ""MSINFO"""                            
  283. 258    yes        dll    InstallSysFile    """MSINFO"",""msinfodll"""                            
  284. 259    yes        ini    AddIniLine    """WIN.INI"", ""Microsoft System Info"", ""MSINFO"", ""%sMSINFO.EXE"""                    %257        
  285. 260    yes        ini    AddIniLine    """WIN.INI"",""MSAPPS"",""MSINFO"",""%s"""                    %257        
  286. 261    yes                                            
  287. 262    yes    BILLBOARDS                                        
  288. 263    yes        Register    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 426, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  289. 264    yes        home shell    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 423, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  290. 265    yes        AddressBook    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 415, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  291. 266    yes        Calendar    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 417, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  292. 267    yes        Checkbook    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 418, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  293. 268    yes        Email    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 424, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  294. 269    yes        Garden    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 419, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  295. 270    yes        LetterWriter    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 420, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  296. 271    yes        GeoSafari    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 421, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  297. 272    yes        HomeNotebook    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 422, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  298. 273    yes        FinanceNotebook    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 425, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            
  299. 274    yes        Actors    AddBillboard    """usetup.dll"", 416, ""FBillbrdDlgProc"""                            